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January 26, 2021
Stuble Lab Receives Invasive Plants Research Grant
Holden graduate student, Alexa Wagner, has received a grant from the Ohio Invasive Plants Council. The proposal titled, “Determining dynamics responsible for plant community responses to overstory thinning and invasive species... more
January 22, 2021
The Life Beneath the Snow
By Sarah Kyker, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate
The month of January, with its freezing temperatures and leaf-less trees, is a time when it’s easy to think of nature as dormant. While this might be true for deciduous... more
January 20, 2021
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use solar energy from the sun to turn carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into food (sugar). Photosynthesis can be one of the more... more
January 20, 2021
Of Plants and People: From the Past to the Present
South Africa is world renowned for its biodiversity and many have recognized that its botanical wealth presents with unique opportunities for conservation and commercialization which can drive economic development. It... more
January 20, 2021
Rethinking Nontraditional: Navigating a Biology Career While Black
Scientists often face career hurdles when they take what some see as a “nontraditional path.” The traditional scientific career, however, has been defined primarily by white scientists. In this talk,... more
January 20, 2021
Uncovering the Black Botanical Legacy
We have a deep connection to plants. Even if we are not actively aware of it, we are interacting with plants in almost every aspect of our lives. From breathing... more
January 20, 2021
Identification & Discovery: A Botanical Love Story
What’s in a name? Is it who you are? Do your traits make you small or tall, bud or blossom, bright or uniquely subtle? Is it your deep roots, tucked... more
January 20, 2021
Toxic Soils & Special Plants: Serpentine Endemism in California
California’s is home to both a majority of North America’s serpentine soil as well as a biodiversity hotspot that includes countless adaptive radiations. Serpentine rock is derived from volcanic rock... more
January 20, 2021
Habitat Scavenger Hunt
Gather your family and head outside for a scavenger hunt focusing on the wonders of the natural world. Become a detective as you search for clues of nearby critters or... more
January 20, 2021
Backyard Scavenger Hunt
Encourage your children to engage with the natural world around them with a simple backyard scavenger hunt that will have you searching for nearby plant and animal life. more
January 20, 2021
Toilet Paper Roll Tree Craft
What trees have you seen today? What lives in the trees? What kind of trees do you see when we go for walks? Do you have a favorite tree? Have... more
January 20, 2021
Beauty View Finder
Spring has sprung. Time to get outside and explore. Make a simple Beauty View Finder and walk out the door to see what you can find. more
January 15, 2021
Meeting the Grand Botanic Garden Challenge at Holden Forests & Gardens
By Juliana S. Medeiros, PhD, Plant Biologist
When we consider the major challenges facing humanity today, it is exciting to think that plants can provide a myriad of sustainable solutions. Problems with water quality, our dependence on... more
December 8, 2020
Stories in the Garden: Winter’s Tremendous Trees
Get curious about the winter landscape with these ideas for ways for your students to engage with nature by taking a winter walk, making a craft and reading a poem. more
November 20, 2020
Bridging the Diversity Gap in Plant Science Internships
By Juliana S. Medeiros, PhD, Plant Biologist
On November 18th Dr. Juliana Medeiros was invited to make a presentation about the Holden Research Internship Program for The Morton Arboretum virtual workshop: Bridging the Diversity Gap in Plant Science Internships.... more
October 23, 2020
Curating a Collection
By Connor Ryan, MS, Rhododendron Collections Manager
As Rhododendron collections manager at Holden Forests & Gardens I wear many ericaceous hats, but at the core of my job is curating the Holden Rhododendron Collection. This role differs... more
October 2, 2020
Science on Friday: the Art and Science of Grafting
By Connor Ryan, MS, Rhododendron Collections Manager
Grafting is an ancient technique of joining two distinct plants together. Grafts occur naturally or they can occur through human intervention. In practice, grafting usually involves the joining of the... more
August 14, 2020
The Joy of Coding: Raspberry Pi edition
When I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in ecological research and education I knew that there were a lot of new skills that I was going to... more
August 14, 2020
Exploring the Rhododendron Research Network (R-RN)
The Rhododendron Research Network (R-RN) was founded at Holden in 2017 to increase collaboration and dissemination of Rhododendron research, to connect scientists with each other and with plant enthusiasts from... more
June 26, 2020
Pollinator Research at the Arboretum with Dr. Na Wei
Why do we care about pollinators? Pollinators are important creatures in natural ecosystems and our daily life because they provide vital services to wild plants and our crops. Pollinators carry and... more
June 12, 2020
Plant–pollinator interactions and the role of the flower microbiome in crabapples
Today we are continuing our story of ornamental apples (crabapples). Plants are living in a microbial world. They interact not only with microbes in the soil but also the ones... more
June 12, 2020
Harnessing microbiomes in crabapples: II. Getting seeds for testing microbiome functions
By Na Wei and Jessica LaBella Plants are associated with numerous microorganisms in the wild. Some of these microorganisms are beneficial but others, such as pathogens, can be harmful to... more
June 5, 2020
Science on Friday – Intern program
By Katie Stuble, PhD, Research Chair
As a scientist at the Holden Arboretum, I wear many hats, but one of my favorites is mentor to our summer interns. Each year, Holden’s Research Department brings in students... more
May 1, 2020
Coding in plant biology, who knew?
By Juliana S. Medeiros, PhD, Plant Biologist
I never viewed myself as a math person, let alone a computer coder. I have always loved nature, animals and plants, these are what drew me to plant biology. But... more
January 10, 2020
Sustainability Tips from HF&G
In January 2020, Holden Forests & Gardens (HF&G), comprised of Cleveland Botanical Garden and the Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, OH, announced a new strategic plan for the organization. Highlighted within... more
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