Connor Ryan, MS

Rhododendron Collections Manager

Rhododendron Breeding


  • M.S. | University of Georgia
  • B.S. | Auburn University

Research Interests

My group is engaged in three things at Holden: curating the Rhododendron collection, breeding landscape plants, and stewarding the David G. Leach Research Station. Current collections focuses include North American native rhododendrons and azaleas, especially R. flammeum, R. prunifolium, and the Ohio natives, as well as any non-native species that may be adapted to our climate. Breeding focuses are on broader adaptability in elepidote rhododendrons, reblooming in evergreen azaleas, and a few smaller projects with Pieris and Hamamelis.
We strongly believe in the value of living collections and are happy to share non-proprietary germplasm or accommodate collections-based scholarship. If you work for a botanical garden or nursery interested in rhododendrons (or azaleas) or are a scholar studying them, please get in touch. We would love to help with your work.


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