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An Update on our Feathered Friends

June 3, 2024

An Update on our Feathered Friends

By Matt Edwards, Animal Care Specialist


Within the next few weeks our male red bishop weaver birds will have their breeding plumage completely grown in and be ready to begin their summer courtship displays. Their display... more

Caterpillars at the Nursery

November 8, 2023

Caterpillars at the Nursery

By M Onion, Nursery Plant Propagator Grower


The nursery at the Holden Arboretum takes care of a great number of species.  One polyhouse alone currently contains between 300 and 400 species and cultivars. Among all these plants,... more

Eagles in Town

February 24, 2022

Eagles in Town

By Matt Edwards, Animal Care Specialist


As many people know, Ohio’s bald eagle population has seen a dramatic increase over the past several decades. From a low of 4 breeding pairs in 1979 they had increased... more

Birds and Berries

January 20, 2022

Birds and Berries


By: Alyssa Zearley, Nursery Technician Berries are an important winter food source for animals. This is especially true for songbirds. While some birds like cedar waxwings eat fruit all year... more