David G. Leach Research Station

The Authority on Genus Rhododendron

The Leach Research Station was a gift to Holden from Dr. David Leach, a world authority on genus Rhododendron. Located in Madison, Ohio, this 30-acre, hidden gem is heavy on research and stunningly beautiful.

On this page: History | Visit | Maps | Projects | Contact

Our History

Started by David Leach in 1970, this satellite facility is a hub for rhododendron horticulture and research in the Midwest. A pre-eminent horticulturist, rhododendron hybridizer and authority, Dr. Leach pursued cold hardy and colorful rhododendrons for the Great Lakes region and beyond. His work saw the introduction of approximately 80 named hybrids developed at his former home in Brookville, PA, or at the Madison research station. The Leach Research Station was donated to The Holden Arboretum in 1986.

About the Land

Sandy soils and a lake-moderated climate make the research station one of the best places for rhododendron cultivation in the Midwest. The station has nearly 12 acres of display areas and more than 2 acres of field growing space. The display areas are arranged as strolling gardens where more than 1400 rhododendrons are being evaluated and preserved long term. Recently, the station has taken on a wild germplasm conservation role, and more and more wild-occurring rhododendron species are being added to the display areas. The fields are used for evaluating temporary breeding populations of several thousand unique seedlings or for other field research.


We are unable to be open to the general public outside a few open days in May. However, we encourage scholars of all kinds, green industry groups, gardening groups, or any other interested parties to get in touch about visitation and facility use opportunities. Reach out to Rhododendron Collections Manager Connor Ryan ([email protected]) for more information.

Explore our Collection

Browse our interactive collections map to learn about our extensive collection of rhododendrons and other plants. We honor our commitment to David Leach by remaining closed to the public most of the year, so plan to visit on one of our spring open days!

Full Map

Virtual Tour
David G Leach Station Virtual Tour

Our Projects

Landscape plant breeding

Plants benefit our physical and mental well-beings and provide countless ecosystem services. Unfortunately, not all plants are well-adapted to human spaces. Our group seeks to develop new plants for the spaces in which we interact with them most: our homes and our communities. We improve plants through traditional plant breeding, a combination of hybridization and selection that allows us to combine traits of interest from plants across the world.

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Rhododendron collection curation

Rhododendrons have a storied history, both locally and across the world, and they have thrilled gardeners for centuries. The genus contains roughly one thousand wild-occurring species, and man-made selections number in the tens of thousands. Much of the rationale for our collection is our history and the history of Northeast Ohio. HF&G has had a rhododendron collection since 1940, and we currently have two gardens and the David G. Leach Research Station, comprising about 60 acres dedicated to rhododendrons.

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Leaf and flower heat tolerance of cold hardy Rhododendron species

Rhododendron is one of the most popular woody ornamentals used as landscape plants around the world. While Rhododendron are well-adapted to cold climates, owing to changes in climate, heat stress is becoming a major factor limiting Rhododendron production. The way plants allocate resources, i.e. the economics of carbon and water use, determines their ability to survive stressful events like frost or heatwaves, as well as the timing, quality, and longevity of growth and reproduction.

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Research Station Staff

Connor Ryan, MS

Connor Ryan, MS

Rhododendron Collections Manager

My interests sit at the intersection of ornamental horticulture, conservation, and botany. At Holden, my group is engaged in three things: curating the Rhododendron collection, breeding landscape plants, and stewarding the David G. Leach Research Station.

Learn more about me

Jing Wang, MS

Jing Wang, MS

Research Specialist

As the Field Station Specialist, I assist the Leach Research Station Director in establishing, evaluating, and managing Rhododendron breeding populations and display gardens during the growing season (April through November) at the Arboretum’s 30-acre field site in Madison, Ohio.

Learn more about me

Contact Us

Get in touch about research and conservation, visitation, or other site and collection use by contacting Rhododendron Collections Manager Connor Ryan ([email protected]).

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