January 20, 2021
Structural Pruning of a Young Tree
Nursery grown trees are often pruned to produce a compact, bushy appearance, resulting in branches packed closely on the stem. Begin a pruning program after planting to create a mature... more
January 20, 2021
Neighborhood Tree Suggestions
Threats to trees and landscape goals determine which tree to plant. View our helpful list of the recommended trees to plant for your site and conditions. more
January 20, 2021
Street Tree Identification
Learn how to identify Red Maple, River Birch, Ginkgo, Honeylocust, and Sweetgum trees with our easy-to-use guides. more
January 20, 2021
Tree Care Toolkit
It is obvious that healthy trees beautify our urban environment, but did you know they also provide numerous environmental, economic, social and health benefits that make our communities more livable?... more
January 20, 2021
Of Plants and People: From the Past to the Present
South Africa is world renowned for its biodiversity and many have recognized that its botanical wealth presents with unique opportunities for conservation and commercialization which can drive economic development. It... more
January 20, 2021
Rethinking Nontraditional: Navigating a Biology Career While Black
Scientists often face career hurdles when they take what some see as a “nontraditional path.” The traditional scientific career, however, has been defined primarily by white scientists. In this talk,... more
January 20, 2021
Uncovering the Black Botanical Legacy
We have a deep connection to plants. Even if we are not actively aware of it, we are interacting with plants in almost every aspect of our lives. From breathing... more
January 20, 2021
Identification & Discovery: A Botanical Love Story
What’s in a name? Is it who you are? Do your traits make you small or tall, bud or blossom, bright or uniquely subtle? Is it your deep roots, tucked... more
January 20, 2021
Toxic Soils & Special Plants: Serpentine Endemism in California
California’s is home to both a majority of North America’s serpentine soil as well as a biodiversity hotspot that includes countless adaptive radiations. Serpentine rock is derived from volcanic rock... more
January 20, 2021
Habitat Scavenger Hunt
Gather your family and head outside for a scavenger hunt focusing on the wonders of the natural world. Become a detective as you search for clues of nearby critters or... more
January 20, 2021
Backyard Scavenger Hunt
Encourage your children to engage with the natural world around them with a simple backyard scavenger hunt that will have you searching for nearby plant and animal life. more
January 20, 2021
Toilet Paper Roll Tree Craft
What trees have you seen today? What lives in the trees? What kind of trees do you see when we go for walks? Do you have a favorite tree? Have... more
January 20, 2021
Beauty View Finder
Spring has sprung. Time to get outside and explore. Make a simple Beauty View Finder and walk out the door to see what you can find. more
Leaf Discovery at Holden Arboretum
All Ages
$7 per student
Holden Arboretum
Note: This program is teacher-directed. $7 per student. One adult chaperone required per 10 students(free). One adult per five students admitted free; additional adults are $7.00 per person. This program... more
January 15, 2021
Meeting the Grand Botanic Garden Challenge at Holden Forests & Gardens
By Juliana S. Medeiros, PhD, Plant Biologist
When we consider the major challenges facing humanity today, it is exciting to think that plants can provide a myriad of sustainable solutions. Problems with water quality, our dependence on... more
January 15, 2021
Our Trees & Plants
Our collections feature over 20,000 plants and plant groupings. And beyond their astounding beauty, they help to serve these important functions: Conservation Biological diversity of the plant kingdom directly impacts... more
January 15, 2021
Membership FAQ
Holden Forests & Gardens is committed to respecting our environment and one another. If we find that a member does not respect our environment, our rules, or others, then we... more
January 15, 2021
Leadership Society Membership Levels & Benefits
Interested in learning more? If you are interested in learning more, fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you. Or, contact Jillian Schaefer, Annual... more
January 15, 2021
General Membership Levels & Benefits
Learn more For more information about general memberships, please contact:[email protected] Additional Information Holden Forests & Gardens is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed... more
January 15, 2021
Donor Membership Levels & Benefits
Learn more For more information about Donor memberships, please contact:Jillian Schaefer [email protected] Additional Information Holden Forests & Gardens is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest... more
January 15, 2021
Wildlife Management
The goal of the wildlife management program is to provide for the maximum bio-diversity of plants and animals. A wide range of wildlife is common at the Arboretum, including white-tailed... more
January 15, 2021
Safety & Security
The Holden Arboretum formed its first police department in 1974, but it wasn’t until 1999 that it was fully commissioned under the laws of the state of Ohio. The role... more
People for Trees™
Make a difference in
your own backyard.
Plant and care for a tree beginning with making a pledge. We will support each pledge with easy-to-follow instructional toolkits, guidance on how to select the most appropriate tree and where to purchase it, free virtual classes and other ongoing support.
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