Treehouse Store

Treehouse Store

The Treehouse Gift Store features a carefully curated selection—everything from nature books, to gardening tools, to Holden clothing and hats. The gift store is located at 9550 Sperry Road, in... more

Buckeye Bud’s Adventure Woods

Buckeye Bud’s Adventure Woods

Buckeye Bud’s Adventure Woods is a wonderfully whimsical playground where kids can hop, jump, and limbo their way through the balance logs, put on a performance at the Nature Theater,... more

Murch Canopy Walk

Murch Canopy Walk

The Canopy Walk invites guests to stroll along a 500-foot-long elevated walkway that rises 65 feet above the forest floor. Walk amongst the treetops, and appreciate our forest from an... more


February 2, 2021


No worries though. Head over to our homepage, plan a trip to the Holden Arboretum, explore the Cleveland Botanical Garden, or spend some time discovering the outdoors (virtually, or for... more

Stuble Lab Receives Invasive Plants Research Grant

January 26, 2021

Stuble Lab Receives Invasive Plants Research Grant


Holden graduate student, Alexa Wagner, has received a grant from the Ohio Invasive Plants Council. The proposal titled, “Determining dynamics responsible for plant community responses to overstory thinning and invasive species... more

Plant Fossils

January 20, 2021

Plant Fossils


The fossil record serves as a basis for our scientific understanding of early life on Earth. From fossils, we can infer how climate and ecosystems have changed, how prehistoric organisms... more


January 20, 2021



Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use solar energy from the sun to turn carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into food (sugar). Photosynthesis can be one of the more... more

Tree Seeds

January 20, 2021

Tree Seeds


Seeds are the beginning of life for most plants. Trees seeds are a perfect way to teach many standards. They are hardy, diverse, easy to obtain and store well. more

Arbor Day

January 20, 2021

Arbor Day


Arbor Day is celebrated in Ohio on the last Friday in April. At schools this usually involves planting a tree. This is a symbolic act, but trees can also be... more

Tips for Perennial Trimming

January 20, 2021

Tips for Perennial Trimming


Annie Rzepka, Horticulturist, is out this week near Blueberry Pond cutting back perennials of all kinds. Here are some tips on how to trim a Hellebore, more commonly know as... more

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