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Foraging for Health

October 27, 2021

Foraging for Health

By Alyssa Zearley, Nursery Technician


Cold, flu, and now, perhaps, COVID season, are rapidly approaching. Which means it’s also elderberry syrup season. For those not familiar, elderberry syrup is a concoction of elderberry, honey, and... more

Holden Researchers Present at ESA

August 6, 2021

Holden Researchers Present at ESA


Holden researchers have spent this week attending one of the world’s largest gatherings of ecologists: the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. This year, four Holden researchers are... more

August 3, 2021

Unusual Bulbs for Your Garden


Emerald Necklace Garden Club sponsors its third Education Series seminar on Sunday, September 19, 2021. Learn about the multitude of bulbs beyond tulips and daffodils for both fall and spring... more

The Name Game

July 23, 2021

The Name Game

By Connor Ryan, Rhododendron Collections Manager


Much of the research we have historically done at the HF&G’s David G. Leach Research Station is directly focused on new plant development. We are trying to breed the next generation of rhododendrons for the gardening public. The scientific, horticultural,... more

The Annual Bioscience Alliance Intern Fun Days Returned in 2021

July 1, 2021

The Annual Bioscience Alliance Intern Fun Days Returned in 2021

By Courtney Blashka, David Burke, Juliana Medeiros, Sarah Kyker, Jessica Miller, Connor Ryan, Katie Stuble, Rebecah Troutman, and Na Wei


This summer, the Research, Conservation, and Community Forestry departments welcomed 14 interns. The students have been spending their summer working on projects ranging from the crabapple microbiome to forest restoration,... more

2021 Holden Summer Intern Program

June 4, 2021

2021 Holden Summer Intern Program


The HF&G’s Research, Community Forestry and Conservation teams are excited about the arrival of the 2021 cohort of interns. This year, HF&G is leveraging resources and opportunities across departments and... more

The Deadly Messengers

March 9, 2021

The Deadly Messengers


How plants harness highly reactive products of stress. We need to grow a lot more food, but we are running out of space to grow it in. Environmental stresses such... more

Energy Scavenger Hunt

March 3, 2021

Energy Scavenger Hunt


With many of us spending more time at home than we ever have, energy use has inevitably risen. This Earth Day conduct an Energy Scavenger Hunt throughout your home. Preserving... more

DIY Textile Dyeing

March 3, 2021

DIY Textile Dyeing


Textile waste, from clothing and other fabric consumer items, makes up a large chunk of trash produced each year. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than 15 million tons... more

Grow Fresh Produce From Scraps

March 3, 2021

Grow Fresh Produce From Scraps


Family eating you out of house and home? Try growing fresh produce from scraps. Watch the regenerative power of plants before your very eyes! Plus, you may be able to... more