When you hear “witch hazel” (sometimes spelled witch-hazel), you might think of the ingredient that is commonly used as an astringent in cosmetics and an antiseptic in topical ointments. But did you know that witch hazels grow right here in our northeast Ohio forests? Beyond their historic medicinal uses, these remarkable plants stand out for their unorthodox bloom times. Read on to learn all about this weird and wonderful plant and its unexpected role in the winter landscape.
Taxonomy and identification
There are only five species of witch hazel: one from Japan (Hamamelis japonica), one from China (H. mollis), and three from north America (H. virginiana, H. vernalis, and H. ovalis). Of the north American species, the American witch hazel (H. virginiana) is the most widespread and the only species native to Ohio. Witch hazels are easily identified by their distinctive leaves which have wavy or scalloped margins and an oblique (uneven) base. Even more distinctive are their crinkled, spidery petals which resemble tiny crepe paper streamers. Flowers can be bright yellow to deep reddish orange depending on the species.

Curiously, witch hazels flower in the extremes of the growing season while most other plants are dormant. In our region, the American witch hazel hits its peak in mid- to late October and can even bloom into early November, while the other four species and their hybrids bloom from late January through March. Due to their unusual bloom times, witch hazels were originally thought to be wind pollinated. However, their bright petals, alluring fragrance, and sticky pollen tell a different story. Research has since revealed that witch hazels rely on flies, beetles, wasps, bees, and potentially even moths during a time of the year where there is little competition with other plants for pollination.
Hamamelis at Holden
As we enter February, we are approaching peak bloom time for many of the witch hazels in our Living Collections. The Ozark witch hazel (H. vernalis) is one of the very first shrubs of the year to flower, sometimes starting as early as January and continuing through early March. The native range of this species is limited to a few states in the south-central US where pollinators are more likely to be active at this time of year.

Besides the American witch hazel, hybrid Hamamelis x intermedia are the most common witch hazels in our collection. These plants are the result of crossing the two Asian witch hazel species (H. mollis and H. japonica) and have been bred over the years for various petal colors, fall leaf color, and scent.

The magic of witch hazels
As we eagerly await the emergence of daffodils, tulips, and native spring ephemerals in the coming months, witch hazels offer an early glimpse of spring in the cold of winter. As you explore the forests and gardens of northeast Ohio, keep an eye out for these spidery blooms—you might just witness a little botanical magic when you least expect it.

Alexandra Faidiga
Assistant Curator
Alex collaborates with the Curator of Living Collections, Plant Records Curator, and horticulture staff to ensure the Living Collections are not only captivating but also meaningful for research, ecology and conservation. Alex also helps coordinate collecting trips to acquire new plants for the Living Collections and documents them using GIS and our plant records database. She is motivated by the role public gardens can play in preserving biodiversity and loves helping people discover their new favorite plant.