Flame azalea

Rhododendron calendulaceum

Flame azalea

Where can you find this plant? In Ohio: Only in unglaciated southeastern parts on rock outcrops. At HF&G: Holden Arboretum, Wildflower Garden, Rhododendron and Discovery Gardens. Bloom time: May-June, usually... more

Common jewelweed

Impatiens capensis

Common jewelweed

Where can you find this plant? In Ohio: Throughout, floodplain forests, disturbed wetlands, moist woodland edges. At HF&G: Cleveland Botanical Garden, Woodland Garden; Holden Arboretum, Wildflower Garden, Rhododendron Garden. Growing... more

Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant)

Physostegia virginiana

Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant)

Physostegia virginiana is a robust perennial wildflower with bold lance shaped leaves.  In late summer and early fall, foliage is topped by lavender, pinkish or white spikey inflorescences.  The individual florets are... more

Penstemon digitalis	(foxglove beardtongue)

Penstemon digitalis

Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue)

Penstemon digitalis is an upright, clump forming perennial wildflower featuring deep green leaves on strong upright stems. In summer, plants are topped by showy tubular snapdragon-like white flowers which are frequently visited by pollinators. It flourishes in sunny sites with wet or moist... more

Lobelia siphilitica (great blue lobelia)

Lobelia siphilitica

Lobelia siphilitica (great blue lobelia)

Lobelia siphilitica is a clump forming perennial that thrives in a moist location.  It adapts well to different light conditions like sun or shade as long as it has consistent moisture.  The tubular blue flowers start to bloom in July and continue into September.  Hummingbirds are enticed by these flowers. ... more

Chelone glabra ‘Black Ace’ (turtlehead)

Chelone glabra ‘Black Ace’

Chelone glabra ‘Black Ace’ (turtlehead)

A cultivar of our native white turtlehead (see Chelone glabra above), ‘Black Ace’s’ distinguishing feature is its dark ebony-green foliage that appears in spring and provides a striking contrast the white snapdragon-like flowers of late summer. ‘Black... more

Asclepias incarnata ’Cinderella’ (swamp milkweed) 

Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella’

Asclepias incarnata ’Cinderella’ (swamp milkweed) 

‘Cinderella’ features clusters of 2 in. wide vanilla-scented flower heads. Individual flowers within each cluster boast deep pink reflexed petals and a pink to white crown. This selection of swamp milkweed is easily grown in medium to wet soils... more

Kirengeshoma palmata (yellow wax bells)

Kirengeshoma palmata

Kirengeshoma palmata (yellow wax bells)

Yellow wax bells is a large shade-loving herbaceous perennial native to mountainous areas of Japan and Korea. It offers a shrub-like habit, coarse texture, and pale-yellow flowers from late summer to early fall. This elegant plant in the... more

Deutzia ‘Nikko Blush’ (deutzia)

Deutzia ‘Nikko Blush’

Deutzia ‘Nikko Blush’ (deutzia)

This new hybrid from the National Arboretum welcomes spring with a profusion of soft pink blooms. It has a compact, low-growing form perfect for a foundation planting or low hedge. Deciduous green... more

Callicarpa b. ‘Profusion’ (beautyberry)

Callicarpa b. ‘Profusion’

Callicarpa b. ‘Profusion’ (beautyberry)

Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’ features an outstanding display of violet-purple fruits in fall. Forms a vigorous bushy shrub with small lavender flowers in July and August.  New leaf growth has a bronze tinge. Easily grown in sun or... more

Astilbe ‘Deutschland’ (astilbe)

Astilbe ‘Deutschland’

Astilbe ‘Deutschland’ (astilbe)

 Plants are characterized by graceful, fern-like mounds of mostly basal leaves.  Plumes of snow white, feathery flowers create a very showy landscape accent in moist areas in a shaded to dappled shade setting. ‘Deutschland’, a hybrid cultivar of Japanese... more

Large cranberry

Vaccinium macrocarpon

Large cranberry

Large cranberry is a creeping shrub with small alternate oval leaves.  The delicate pink to white flower petals recurve to form a Turk’s cap and bloom in mid to late... more

Marsh fern

Thelypteris palustris

Marsh fern

This perennial fern has upright compound leaves whose leaflets are often slightly curved and twisted. The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous and can form dense colonies and performs as a wonderfully as a ground cover. Marsh fern... more

Hairy Solomon’s seal

Polygonatum pubescens

Hairy Solomon’s seal

This Solomon’s seal prefers partial sun to medium shade, moist conditions, and organic soils.  It is a wonderful spring blooming plant with white tubular flowers gracing arching stems.  Flowers give way to large blue fruit... more

Garden phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Laura'

Garden phlox

This garden phlox cultivar is easy to grow and purportedly mildew resistant, preferring full sun and moist, humus-rich soil. The dense flowers of phlox ‘Laura’ are deep lavender purple with a white eye and appear in later summer and will last until early fall.   ... more

Creeping mint

Meehania cordata 

Creeping mint

Named for Philadelphia botanist, Thomas Meehan, creeping mint is a sturdy perennial groundcover and a great substitute for nonnative ground covers like Lamium or Ajuga. Meehania cordata has long, trailing stems run across the... more

Goldie’s wood fern

Dryopteris goldiana

Goldie’s wood fern

A deciduous fern, Goldie’s wood fern occurs in moist, rich soil in cool woods.  Reaching a height of 3-5 feet, it is one of the largest Dryopteris in Ohio.  The spores occur on the... more

Seersucker sedge

Carex plantaginea

Seersucker sedge

Carex plantaginea is an attractive, clump forming woodland sedge that will perform well in partly shaded moist, humus-rich woods. It can tolerate difficult dry conditions once established. The leaves are broad and semi-evergreen with a striking lime green color and puckered surface and provide a nice textural aspect in a... more

Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’ 

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' 

Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’ 

A white flowering version of swamp milkweed, it is easily grown in medium to wet soils in full sun but is also tolerant of average well-drained soils in cultivation.  ‘Ice Ballet’ is a compact, white-flowered form... more

Common lilac

Syringa vulgaris

Common lilac

Native to the Balkans in southeastern Europe, Syringa vulgaris (common lilac) is a member of the olive family (Oleaceae), which also includes Fraxinus (ash), Chionanthus (fringe tree), Ligustrum (privet), and... more

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