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February 16, 2023
Planning a Plant Collecting Trip
By Connor Ryan, Rhododendron Collections Manager
On our quest to build high quality, high value, and useful plant collections, we often plan plant collecting expeditions in search of particular plants. Building on some work we started... more

November 9, 2022
The Tropical Taste of Strawberry Guavas
By Sadie Smith, Glasshouse Horticulturist
One of my favorite things about working in the Costa Rica biomes is the diverse array of tropical fruit. Where else can I have a tasty, freshly picked tropical snack... more

October 7, 2022
Science on Friday: Why are there bags on the Rhododendrons?
Why public gardens are both beautiful and useful too. Jean H. Burns, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University If you have walked around Holden Arboretum in the... more

September 12, 2022
Growing Figs
By Matt Edwards, Animal Care Specialist
Figs have been cultivated for thousands of years and are one of the earliest plants to have been cultivated. They are originally from warm climates in western Asia and the... more

August 24, 2022
A Prickly Foe
By Lorinda Laughlin, Gardener
I’ve learned many things working as a Gardener here at the Arboretum, particularly regarding the importance of promoting and maintaining biodiversity. Much of what I’ve learned I have tried to... more

July 20, 2022
The Ann Whitney Memorial Bed
By Sandi Cesarov, Horticulturist
The Magic Garden Not everyone knows where it is. It was recently called magical by my exceedingly intelligent seasonal gardener, Mikaela. A day later, our equally intelligent intern, Eliza, also... more

June 22, 2022
The Rose Garden Challenge
By Stefanie Verish, Horticulturist
I knew what I was in for. It is no secret that roses maintain a reputation of fussiness and difficulty in maintenance. When I was given charge of the Svetland... more

June 9, 2022
A Virtual Tour of the Collections used by the Research Department
One of the greatest benefits of being a researcher at an arboretum is being able to access curated plant collections. Often, these collections have a well recorded history and can... more

June 7, 2022
Rhododendrons in Bloom
By Sommer Tolan , Horticulturist
It’s interesting to observe the variation in rhododendron and azalea bloom times from year to year. Especially here in Ohio, where we’re not sure if snow or rain will be... more

March 22, 2022
Houseplant Craze: Monsteras
By Sadie Smith, Glasshouse Horticulturist
If you’re familiar with the current houseplant craze, you’ve probably heard of variegated monsteras. These large leaved, white streaked beauties are in demand and carry hefty price tag. When learning... more

February 15, 2022
Index Seminum, What is it?
By Greg Wright, Nursery Manager
You may not be aware that Holden Forests and Gardens participates in Index Seminum. You may be asking “what is Index Seminum”? It is Latin for “Seed Index”. Botanical gardens,... more

January 20, 2022
Biome Bounty
By: Bernadette Gallagher, Gardener Did you know we grow quite a few plants that have edible fruit in our Costa Rica biome? It is exciting watching things grow and ripen,... more

January 11, 2022
A look back on 2021 in Plant Records at Holden
By Margeaux Apple, Plant Recorder
January February March April May June July August September October November December more

August 27, 2021
DIY Xeriscape
By Caroline Paul, Horticulturist
By the time late August and September roll around many of us start to experience what I call annual fatigue. Annual fatigue is the feeling you may begin to feel... more

July 7, 2021
Building the Collections through Collaborations
By Dawn Gerlica, Horticulturist
Recently a small team of Holden F&G explorers traveled to visit and explore a strange new area to seek out new life. This may sound like a sci-fi show based... more

June 14, 2021
Pretty in Pink
By Lorinda Laughlin, Arboretum Gardener
Among the countless plantings that delight and surprise visitors, one that never fails to garner attention when in bloom can be found at the northern entrance of the Myrtle S.... more

June 10, 2021
Springing to Life: A Photo Essay
By Alyssa Zearley, Nursery Technician
Late Spring is always a beautiful time of year at the Holden Arboretum. The same is true for our nursery production area. The rains and warmth have ushered in blooms... more
May 13, 2021
Plants in the Lakeside Terrace Garden
These beds address the unique needs of each plant species, are low maintenance and support beneficial insects. The Perennial plants in this bed grow close together leaving little space for... more
April 21, 2021
Discovering the “True-Blue” Flowers of Spring
Blue. Underneath that big, blue April sky the color blue nevertheless remains a rare gift when found in nature. Due to the proscriptions and particulars of its biochemical pathways biological... more

April 21, 2021
An Inside Look at Mapping HF&G Collections
This March, Margeaux Apple and I are focusing on one of my favorite tasks, cartography. I love maps. Maps are useful for orientation and for planning. We use a survey... more

April 20, 2021
Which Witch Hazel? – Sorting Through Hamamelidaceae Species During Winter Months
In Northeast Ohio, and other regions of the country with similar climate, winter holds trees and shrubs accountable for their actions. One family is resilient, or defiant, refusing to hold... more
April 20, 2021
Beneficial Insects in the Holden Nursery
My name is Alyssa and I started working at the Holden Arboretum as a nursery technician in January. I help with all parts of plant growing, but my specialty is... more

April 20, 2021
A Deep Dive into Bleeding Hearts
As Valentine’s Day comes and goes, one can’t help but be reminded of the Bleeding Heart plant (Lamprocapnos spectabilis). It is a beautiful plant originally from Asia with a tragic... more

February 12, 2021
A Lady’s Slipper Update on the Eve of Orchids Forever
By Connor Ryan, MS, Rhododendron Collections Manager
A lot of science and conservation is learning by doing, so I would like to provide an update on our lady’s slipper orchid conservation project. This is our first time growing orchids from seed. On December... more
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