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Viburnum prunifolium ‘Dark Tower’
Viburnum prunifolium ‘Dark Tower’ (blackhaw viburnum)
According to Klyn Nursery, “Viburnum prunifolium Dark Tower™ is a truly unique blackhaw viburnum with thick dark green glossy foliage covering the pyramidal form of this small, under the wire tree. It readily forms a central leader... more

Prunus ‘Okame’
Prunus ‘Okame’ (okame cherry)
The okame cherry is a small, deciduous tree featuring mildly fragrant, rosy-pink flowers in early spring. The flowers completely cover bare branches, appearing earlier than most cherries. A hybrid of Prunus campanulata and Prunus incisa, okame cherry requires full sun to... more

Malus ‘Cardinal’
Malus ‘Cardinal’ (crab apple)
Cardinal crab apple features beautiful foliage and large, intense pink flowers in spring. The tree is a hybrid of M. hupenhensis and has a broad spreading form. Almost dark almost black spring leaves change color to glossy red in summer.... more

Malus ‘Perfect Purple’
Malus ‘Perfect Purple’ (crab apple)
Perfect Purple is an upright crab apple variety featuring purple leaves and bright pink blooms in spring. In fall, the leaves turn bright red and complement the small, red to purple fruit. Fruit is persistent and remains on the... more

Malus ‘Louisa’
Malus ‘Louisa’ (crab apple)
This broadly weeping crab apple features beautiful glossy dark green foliage tree. Branches typically cascade to and spread along the ground. Pink flowers in May are followed by persistent 3/8 in. yellow fruit in fall which is relished... more

Halesia caroliniana ‘Arnold Pink’
Halesia caroliniana ‘Arnold Pink’ (pink silverbell)
Similar to the straight species but…PINK! This unique form of Halesia features large 3/4 in. rose pink flowers which dangle delicately from the branches. A strong grower, it makes an excellent focal plant in a garden... more

Halesia caroliniana
Halesia caroliniana (Carolina silverbell)
White bell-shaped flowers in May profusely borne along the branchlets. Dry winged fruits in fall. Prefers rich, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Nice small tree for the shrub and... more

Cornus mas ‘Golden Glory’ (Cornelian cherry)
Cornus mas ‘Golden Glory’ (Cornelian cherry)
This outstanding upright form of cornelian cherry blooms with an abundance of large, golden yellow flowers in March. Flowers are followed in fall by persistent, showy red fruit. Prefers a... more

Cornus drummondii ‘Lemon Drop’
Grey dogwood
The dogwood selection is easily grown in a wide range of soils in full sun to part-shade. In late summer and early fall the fruit develop into clear yellow that contrast nicely against... more

Cercis canadensis ‘Covey’
Weeping redbud
According to Missouri Botanical Garden “’Covey’ is a very small weeping cultivar noted for its absence of an upright leader and for its dense umbrella-shaped crown with contorted stems and... more

Chionanthus virginicus
White fringetree
Chionanthus virginicus, white fringetree is a beautiful shrub or small tree belonging to the olive family, which includes lilacs, forsythia and ash trees (Fraxinus). The genus Chionanthus (kye-oh-NANTH-us) has 60... more

Acer palmatum
Japanese maple
A beautiful small tree with gorgeous foliage and refined habit, Japanese maple is prized by landscape designers from east to west. The native range of Acer palmatum includes the islands... more