Mid Summer

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Impatiens capensis
Common jewelweed
Where can you find this plant? In Ohio: Throughout, floodplain forests, disturbed wetlands, moist woodland edges. At HF&G: Cleveland Botanical Garden, Woodland Garden; Holden Arboretum, Wildflower Garden, Rhododendron Garden. Growing... more

Indigofera heterantha
Indigofera heterantha (Himalayan indigo)
This shrub in the pea family is native to Himalaya as well as Afghanistan and Tibet. It is suited to a wide range of soil conditions but prefers slightly moist, well-drained soil. Grows in full to part... more

Callicarpa b. ‘Profusion’
Callicarpa b. ‘Profusion’ (beautyberry)
Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’ features an outstanding display of violet-purple fruits in fall. Forms a vigorous bushy shrub with small lavender flowers in July and August. New leaf growth has a bronze tinge. Easily grown in sun or... more

Acanthus spinosus
Acanthus spinosus (bear’s breeches)
Acanthus spinosus has shiny dark green leaves which are deeply dissected and tipped with spines (hence deer resistant). The handsome foliage adds great coarse texture to a partial shaded garden. Features pure white, snapdragon-like flowers surrounded by contrasting spiny purple bracts that last all season. Large flower spikes... more

Arisaema dracontium
Green dragon
Arisaema dracontium is similar to Jack-in-the pulpit, except green dragon usually has only one large, compound leaf divided into 7-15 lance-shaped leaflets. In addition, the spadix is green and lacks the distinctive purple striping of Jack. ... more