
Aesculus X Hybridia


On the southeast side of the Myrtle S. Holden Wildflower Garden is a small charming Aesculus x hybrida (buckeye tree). Its leaves begin to unfold in early April and by the end of the... more

Red maple

Acer rubrum

Red maple

Red maple provides food for pollinators in early spring. Acer rubrum is the fourth most common tree in the natural areas of The Holden Arboretum, trailing Acer saccharum (sugar maple),... more


Asimina triloba


Where can you find this tree? In Ohio: Throughout the understory, woodland edges and creek banks. At HF&G: Cleveland Botanical Garden, Woodland Garden, Children’s Garden; Holden Arboretum, Wildflower Garden, Butterfly... more

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