Early Spring

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Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’
Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ (woodland sage)
Woodland sage, is an erect, many-branched, woody-based, clump-forming perennial. It is native to Europe and west-central Asia. It features lavender to violet blue flowers with tiny reddish-purple bracts and blooms from June to September. Flowers are attractive... more

Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum (Japanese painted fern)
One of the easiest and most rewarding hardy ferns, this selection performs well in any rich, evenly moist soil. It forms a compact clump of fronds, dark green in colour, overlaid in olive and silvery-pewter, with contrasting... more

Sedum ternatum 'Larinem Park'
Wild stonecrop
A sedum for shade! Yup, this Sedum is a beautiful low-growing groundcover for the shady garden, covered with flowers in masses of small white stars in the early spring. This plant usually grows... more

Evergreen azalea ‘Compacta’
A long name for a short plant. The Korean azalea, Rhododendron yedoense, is one of the main sources of cold hardiness for the evergreen azaleas grown in our area. ‘Compacta’ is a dwarf selection of the otherwise large-growing species. Lavender flowers are produced... more

Carex plantaginea
Seersucker sedge
Carex plantaginea is an attractive, clump forming woodland sedge that will perform well in partly shaded moist, humus-rich woods. It can tolerate difficult dry conditions once established. The leaves are broad and semi-evergreen with a striking lime green color and puckered surface and provide a nice textural aspect in a... more