Some key questions that will help you determine management actions: What do you already use your woods for? What would you like to use your woods for?
Some ways to enjoy the woods:
Check out this resource from the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative on managing small forest patches for bird habitat. Love bees and butterflies too? Click here to access Holden’s pollinator garden planting guide.
This article offers some options for getting started building trails on your land. The options are endless – a trail system can be built out to include features like mountain biking paths, campsites, favorite foraging spots, and more.
Foraging and/or cultivating non-timber forest products
- Ohio forests are incredible places to cultivate or forage “goods from the woods.” Explore our resource catalog to find links about everything from agroforestry to an indigenous history of spicebush. Also, check out our printable forest farming quick guides, which include beautiful illustrations and instructions for cultivating non-timber forest products that thrive in Northeast Ohio.
Some resources for those who want to manage their woods for enjoyment:
- Mushroom Cultivation: Lessons from Working Woods
- Maple Sugaring: Lessons from Working Woods
- Rural Action, Sustainable Forestry
- ODNR’s Tips on Managing for Wildlife
- USDA National Agroforestry Center
- Black Cohosh Guide
- Bloodroot Guide
- Ginseng Guide
- Ostrich Fen Forest Farming Quick Guide
- Ramps Guide
- Shiitake Forest Farming Quick Guide
- Spicebush Forest Farming Quick Guide
Other Resources
March 14, 2022
Small Woodland Management Manual
This manual provides a shorthand guide to effectively manage your woodlands. more
September 29, 2021
Pass on or Protect the Woods
There are many options to consider when you own undeveloped land. Let us help you address some concerns! more
September 29, 2021
Profit from the Woods
This short guide will help you evaluate opportunities for sustainable income from your woodlands. more
September 29, 2021
Keep the Woods Healthy
Learn about protecting the health and ecological integrity of your woodlands. more
September 29, 2021
Enjoying the Woods
Evaluate the benefits your woodlands provide, and plan for the future. more