Katie Stuble, PhD

Director of Research

Community Ecology


  • Ph.D. | University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • M.S. | University of Georgia
  • B.A. | St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Adjunct Appointments

  • Cleveland State University
  • Kent State University
  • Case Western Reserve University

Research Interests

I am a community ecologist interested in the mechanisms responsible for maintaining patterns of biodiversity, and understanding how global change will likely alter communities. My research focuses on two important drivers of global change: invasive species and global climate change. Much of my research centers around how global change affects interactions among species, ultimately shaping the structure and function of ecosystems. In particular, current research projects examine: 1) community assembly, and how dynamics between species during the early stages of community development are impacted by climate and ultimately influence the composition of emerging communities, 2) ant-mediated seed dispersal and the impacts of both non-native ants and climate change, and 3) the effects of changing community composition (both above and below-ground) on ecosystem functions such as carbon cycling.

Select Publications

  • Werner CM, TP Young, KL Stuble (In press) Year effects drive beta diversity, but unevenly across community types. Ecology.
  • Dawson-Glass E, CR Hewins, DJ Burke, LA Souza, KL Stuble (In press) Warming-induced functional shifts in the decomposer community interact with plant community compositional shifts to impact litter decomposition. Functional Ecology.
  • Wagner AS, SM Petersen, S Carrino-Kyker, M Watson, D Burke, KL Stuble (2023) Effect of deer and forest edge on understory plant communities. Natural Areas Journal 43(1): 22-28.
  • Stuble KL, LD Bennion, SE Kuebbing (2021) Plant phenological responses to experimental warming – A synthesis. Global Change Biology 27(17): 4110-4124.
  • Stuble KL, S Des Roches, A Ambrose, KC Brown, H Cooper, T Hilton, B Sinervo, LR Fox (2021) Regional networks of biological field stations to study climate change. BioScience 71(8): 874-882.
  • Stuble KL, S Bewick, M Fisher, ML Forister, SP Harrison, AM Shapiro, AM Latimer, LR Fox (2021) The promise and the perils of resurveying to understand global change impacts. Ecological Monographs 91(2): e01435.
  • Werner CM, KL Stuble, AM Groves, TP Young (2020) Year effects: Inter-annual variation as a driver of community assembly dynamics. Ecology 101(9): e03104.
  • Stuble KL, TP Young (2020) Priority treatment leaves grassland restoration vulnerable to invasion. Diversity 12(2): 71.
  • Stuble KL, S Ma, J Liang, Y Luo, AT Classen, L Souza (2019) Long-term impacts of warming drive decomposition and accelerate the turnover of labile soil carbon. Ecosphere 10(5): e02715.
  • Stuble KL, SE Fick, TP Young (2017) Every restoration is unique: testing year effects and site effects as drivers of initial restoration trajectories. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1051-1057.
  • Stuble KL, E Zefferman, K Wolf, KJ Vaughn, TP Young (2017) Outside the envelope: rare events disrupt the relationship between climate factors and species interactions. Ecology 98: 1623-1630.


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