Get Growing Blog

Small Woodland Management Manual

March 14, 2022


Perhaps your woodlot is a part of your backyard or the back acreage on your farm; perhaps it is a little ‘patch of paradise’ at a cabin or cottage getaway.

Perhaps you have just moved from the suburbs or city to a more rural area, or perhaps your woodlot has been in your family for generations. Whatever the specifics, you value your woods—and your woods, though small, are extremely valuable.


Whatever the nature of your small woodland, The Small Woodland Management Manual has been written for you. This Manual provides a shorthand guide to identify and navigate available options, management planning, and potential steps you can take on your own. Here you will find curated, open-source resources that are most relevant for small woodland landowners in Northeast Ohio.

While this guide will not provide management answers for everyone or every woodland, it will hopefully give you a place to start or continue your journey and assist you in identifying and achieving your land ownership and management goals. Everyone’s woodland is different, so if it is helpful to you, we encourage you to highlight, circle, or underline the content that is most relevant to your situation. This is a guide meant to be interacted with: scribble, take notes, fill out the worksheets… whatever helps you in your land stewardship journey.

If you are very new to land management, we recommend reading this document in order. If you already have an idea of your management goals and interests, you can use the Contents page at the beginning to navigate to sections that are most relevant to you.

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