Scarlet Tanager

Piranga olivacea

Scarlet Tanager

Voice: Song: 4-5 raspy phrases that sound like a robin with a sore throat Call: chick-burr  Despite the males striking color scarlet tanagers can be difficult to spot in the summer. They spend most of their time in the dense canopy... more

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

Red-winged Blackbird

Voice: Call gurgling “oak-a-lee.” a dry “chek” and “cheer.” Song starts with an abrupt note that turns into a musical trill often includes raspy “conk-a-ree.” Red-winged blackbirds are one of... more

Red-headed Woodpecker

Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Red-headed Woodpecker

Voice: “kweer , kweer, kweer” While the red-headed woodpecker is not one of the most common birds at The Holden Arboretum, it is one of the most noteworthy. According to... more

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Pileated Woodpecker

Voice: “cuk-cuk-cuk-cuk-cuk” This crow size bird is the largest woodpecker in Ohio. Although despite is size in large tracts of mature forest the Pileated Woodpecker is heard more often then... more

Northern Cardinal

Cardinalis cardinalis

Northern Cardinal

Voice: Repetition of short whistled phrases with some notes run together; sounds like birdy, birdy, birdy. Northern cardinals are probably the most easily recognized birds in Northeastern United States. They... more

Eastern Screech-Owl

Megascops asio

Eastern Screech-Owl

Voice: Both males and females. Males deeper voice Song: descending whinny like horse “nay” Call: soft hoots to loud barking calls; screeches with metallic beak click Eastern screech-owls are common owls in woodland areas... more

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