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Picea omorika
Serbian Spruce
The Serbian spruce is an elegant tree for northeast Ohio landscapes. Mature specimens are tall and slender, with gracefully drooping secondary branches and ascending primary branches that become bowed with... more
Tsuga canadensis
Canada Hemlock
The geographic range of Canada hemlock in North America extends from southern Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia down the Appalachian Mountains into northern Georgia and over to Michigan in... more
Quercus alba
Quercus alba (white oak)
Pyramidal when young, upright rounded to broad-rounded habit with wide-spreading branches at maturity. Foliage is dark green changing in fall from brown to reddish-purple. Majestic native tree for large areas. Prefers... more
Viburnum prunifolium ‘Dark Tower’
Viburnum prunifolium ‘Dark Tower’ (blackhaw viburnum)
According to Klyn Nursery, “Viburnum prunifolium Dark Tower™ is a truly unique blackhaw viburnum with thick dark green glossy foliage covering the pyramidal form of this small, under the wire tree. It readily forms a central leader... more
Magnolia ‘Galaxy’
Magnolia ‘Galaxy’
Magnolia ‘Galaxy’ is easily grown in humus-rich, neutral to slightly acidic, average to well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. It will perform best if planted in a location protected... more
Pinus strobus
Eastern white pine
Pinus strobus is The Holden Arboretum’s most majestic evergreen. The white pines on Little Mountain can be seen three miles away from Holden’s Conifer Collection at the intersection of Kirtland-Chardon... more