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Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum (Japanese painted fern)
One of the easiest and most rewarding hardy ferns, this selection performs well in any rich, evenly moist soil. It forms a compact clump of fronds, dark green in colour, overlaid in olive and silvery-pewter, with contrasting... more

Athyrium otophorum
Athyrium otophorum (eared lady fern)
Athyrium otophorum, commonly called eared lady fern, is a deciduous, Asian woodland species which typically grows to 18″ tall and features erect, triangular, dusky green fronds with dark burgundy stems. Young pale green fronds emerge throughout the growing... more

Astilbe ‘Deutschland’
Astilbe ‘Deutschland’ (astilbe)
Plants are characterized by graceful, fern-like mounds of mostly basal leaves. Plumes of snow white, feathery flowers create a very showy landscape accent in moist areas in a shaded to dappled shade setting. ‘Deutschland’, a hybrid cultivar of Japanese... more

Acanthus spinosus
Acanthus spinosus (bear’s breeches)
Acanthus spinosus has shiny dark green leaves which are deeply dissected and tipped with spines (hence deer resistant). The handsome foliage adds great coarse texture to a partial shaded garden. Features pure white, snapdragon-like flowers surrounded by contrasting spiny purple bracts that last all season. Large flower spikes... more

Vaccinium macrocarpon
Large cranberry
Large cranberry is a creeping shrub with small alternate oval leaves. The delicate pink to white flower petals recurve to form a Turk’s cap and bloom in mid to late... more

Thelypteris palustris
Marsh fern
This perennial fern has upright compound leaves whose leaflets are often slightly curved and twisted. The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous and can form dense colonies and performs as a wonderfully as a ground cover. Marsh fern... more

Sedum ternatum 'Larinem Park'
Wild stonecrop
A sedum for shade! Yup, this Sedum is a beautiful low-growing groundcover for the shady garden, covered with flowers in masses of small white stars in the early spring. This plant usually grows... more

Rhododendron ’Joseph Hill’
Evergreen azalea ’Joseph Hill’
Polly Hill was an exceptional plantswoman from Martha’s Vineyard. Many of Polly’s azaleas are interspecific hybrids involving an incredibly compact azalea from Taiwan called Rhododendron nakaharae. ‘Joseph Hill’ is a trailing, red-flowered evergreen shrub that makes an excellent... more

Rhododendron ‘Bowie’
Lepidote rhododendron
‘Bowie’, pronounced like “buoy”, is an intraspecific hybrid, scaly-leaved rhododendron, meaning it is the result of crossing the Appalachian native Rhododendron minus with the Florida Panhandle endemic Rhododendron minus var. chapmanii. Flip the leaves over and you’ll see tiny scales across the surface. A good... more

Rhododendron austrinum
Deciduous azalea
Rhododendron austrinum, the Florida flame azalea, is a deciduous azalea that produces clusters of yellow to orange, sweetly fragrant flowers in May. Though native to the Florida Panhandle, southern Alabama, and southeastern Mississippi, Rhododendron austrinum has proven... more

Polygonatum pubescens
Hairy Solomon’s seal
This Solomon’s seal prefers partial sun to medium shade, moist conditions, and organic soils. It is a wonderful spring blooming plant with white tubular flowers gracing arching stems. Flowers give way to large blue fruit... more

Polygonatum biflorum
Great Solomon’s seal
Great Solomon’s Seal has long, arching stems that dangle cream-colored flowers in early spring. It spreads slowly by rhizomes in optimal conditions. Large purple seeds and golden leaves add interest in fall. Great Solomon’s seal can grow in full sun if provided adequate... more

Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze'
Woodland phlox
This plant feature oodles of white flowers in May that appear to float above narrow, pointed leaves which die back after blooming. In summer, new growth spreads along low stems and more rounded, dark green foliage appears. Plants will self-sow and create great drifts that blend well with other woodland native in... more

Phlox paniculata 'Laura'
Garden phlox
This garden phlox cultivar is easy to grow and purportedly mildew resistant, preferring full sun and moist, humus-rich soil. The dense flowers of phlox ‘Laura’ are deep lavender purple with a white eye and appear in later summer and will last until early fall. ... more

Paeonia ITOH 'Canary Brilliants'
Peony ‘Canary Brilliants’
A showy mid- to late season bloomer with lush green foliage that produces long, sturdy stems of semi-double to fully double blooms with a light, spicy fragrance. Flower color ranges... more

Meehania cordata
Creeping mint
Named for Philadelphia botanist, Thomas Meehan, creeping mint is a sturdy perennial groundcover and a great substitute for nonnative ground covers like Lamium or Ajuga. Meehania cordata has long, trailing stems run across the... more

Dryopteris goldiana
Goldie’s wood fern
A deciduous fern, Goldie’s wood fern occurs in moist, rich soil in cool woods. Reaching a height of 3-5 feet, it is one of the largest Dryopteris in Ohio. The spores occur on the... more

Carex plantaginea
Seersucker sedge
Carex plantaginea is an attractive, clump forming woodland sedge that will perform well in partly shaded moist, humus-rich woods. It can tolerate difficult dry conditions once established. The leaves are broad and semi-evergreen with a striking lime green color and puckered surface and provide a nice textural aspect in a... more

Baptisia australis
Blue false indigo
The perennial features bluish purple, pea-like flowers which appear in late spring. The flowers appear to sit atop a mound of bluish green foliage. It is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun and is exceptionally drought tolerant once established. Blue false... more

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'
Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’
A white flowering version of swamp milkweed, it is easily grown in medium to wet soils in full sun but is also tolerant of average well-drained soils in cultivation. ‘Ice Ballet’ is a compact, white-flowered form... more

Syringa vulgaris
Common lilac
Native to the Balkans in southeastern Europe, Syringa vulgaris (common lilac) is a member of the olive family (Oleaceae), which also includes Fraxinus (ash), Chionanthus (fringe tree), Ligustrum (privet), and... more

Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’
Virginia sweetspire
Belonging to the family Iteaceae, the genus Itea contains 29 species, 28 of which are native to Asia and Africa. Itea virginica grows naturally only in wetlands from New Jersey,... more

Fothergilla is a charming shrub native to the southeastern United States. The name of the genus, which has also become the common name, honors John Fothergill (1712-1780), a Quaker physician... more

Erica and Calluna
Heath and Heather
Erica and Calluna are charming shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae). They are native to the moors, mountains and woods of Europe, Africa and western Asia. Heaths (Erica) contain more... more
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