Wood Duck

Aix sponsa

Wood Duck

Voice: Female often calls “oo-eek, oo-eek” as it leaves an area Today wood ducks are one of the most common breeding waterfowl species in the United States. Words cannot describe... more

Scarlet Tanager

Piranga olivacea

Scarlet Tanager

Voice: Song: 4-5 raspy phrases that sound like a robin with a sore throat Call: chick-burr  Despite the males striking color scarlet tanagers can be difficult to spot in the summer. They spend most of their time in the dense canopy... more

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Arcilochus colubris

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Voice: Males sing a constant series of monotonous chips early in the day. Both sexes make high chips and speaks while in flight or being chased.  Ruby-throated hummingbirds are found in open deciduous woodlands of... more

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