Garden phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Laura'

Garden phlox

This garden phlox cultivar is easy to grow and purportedly mildew resistant, preferring full sun and moist, humus-rich soil. The dense flowers of phlox ‘Laura’ are deep lavender purple with a white eye and appear in later summer and will last until early fall.   ... more

Peony ‘Canary Brilliants’

Paeonia ITOH 'Canary Brilliants'

Peony ‘Canary Brilliants’

A showy mid- to late season bloomer with lush green foliage that produces long, sturdy stems of semi-double to fully double blooms with a light, spicy fragrance. Flower color ranges... more

Wild hyacinth

Camassia scilloides

Wild hyacinth

This flood plain and moist prairie plant is a member of the lily family and is characterized by small bulbs, like those of a small tulip in size and shape. Light blue-violet flowers begin to bloom in late May and progress from the bottom toward... more

Blue false indigo

Baptisia australis 

Blue false indigo

The perennial features bluish purple, pea-like flowers which appear in late spring. The flowers appear to sit atop a mound of bluish green foliage. It is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun and is exceptionally drought tolerant once established. Blue false... more

Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’ 

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' 

Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’ 

A white flowering version of swamp milkweed, it is easily grown in medium to wet soils in full sun but is also tolerant of average well-drained soils in cultivation.  ‘Ice Ballet’ is a compact, white-flowered form... more

Canada anemone

Anemone canadensis

Canada anemone

This is a strong growing plant that needs room to move.  White single flowers bloom from mid spring to early summer.  This competitive plant is great for naturalizing a large area and will brighten up woodland edges... more

Common lilac

Syringa vulgaris

Common lilac

Native to the Balkans in southeastern Europe, Syringa vulgaris (common lilac) is a member of the olive family (Oleaceae), which also includes Fraxinus (ash), Chionanthus (fringe tree), Ligustrum (privet), and... more

Virginia sweetspire

Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’

Virginia sweetspire

Belonging to the family Iteaceae, the genus Itea contains 29 species, 28 of which are native to Asia and Africa. Itea virginica grows naturally only in wetlands from New Jersey,... more

Heath and Heather

Erica and Calluna

Heath and Heather

Erica and Calluna are charming shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae). They are native to the moors, mountains and woods of Europe, Africa and western Asia. Heaths (Erica) contain more... more

Evergreen azalea

Evergreen azalea

Rhododendron ‘Hino-Red’ is named after a city near Tokyo. It is classified in the Kurume group of evergreen azaleas, which in Northeast Ohio are semi-evergreen. These azaleas perform best in... more

Oakleaf hydrangea

Hydrangea quercifolia

Oakleaf hydrangea

This outstanding shrub is native to the southeastern U.S. where it inhabits moist wooded slopes, ravines, and the banks of streams. Hydrangea quercifolia is one of two hydrangeas native to... more

Magnolia ‘Daybreak’

Magnolia ‘Daybreak’

Magnolia ‘Daybreak’

In the Arthur S. Holden Sr. Hedge Garden is the spectacular new magnolia named ‘Daybreak.’ It bears large fragrant pastel pink flowers from the end of April until the third... more

Staghorn sumac

Rhus typhina ‘Tiger Eyes’

Staghorn sumac

Photo by and (c)2006 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man). Location credit to the Chanticleer Garden., CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons more

Eastern ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius

Eastern ninebark

Eastern ninebark is easily grown in average, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It is an upright, somewhat coarse, deciduous shrub noted for its exfoliating bark which peels in... more


Passiflora incarnata


This species is one of 300+ within the genus and most are tropical, luckily this one is native to Ohio.  Passionflower prefer sun and average garden soil.  Although they are late to emerge in... more

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