Central America
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Setophaga coronata
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Voice: Song- high-pitched musical trill with a variable ending. Call-the common call is a dry check. Yellow-rumped warblers, other wised known as butter butts, are one of the first migrant... more
Setophaga petechia
Yellow Warbler
Voice: Sweet, high and clear notes, “Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, I’m so sweet.” Yellow warblers are one of the easiest warblers to recognize in Ohio. They are properly named yellow warbler... more
Sphyrapicus varius
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Voice: Nasal, catlike meowing; drumming sound like Morse code. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers are primarily forest dwelling birds but they tend to favor young woodlands and riparian habitats. They are the only... more
Hylocichla mustelina
Wood Thrush
Voice: Song-a series of rich flute-like notes “ee-oh-lay.” Call-a rapid “pit-pit-pit.” Considered one of the most common woodland birds of the east, wood thrushes are best known for their ethereal... more
Arcilochus colubris
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Voice: Males sing a constant series of monotonous chips early in the day. Both sexes make high chips and speaks while in flight or being chased. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are found in open deciduous woodlands of... more