At the Buckeye Bud Bird Feeding Station

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Sphyrapicus varius
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Voice: Nasal, catlike meowing; drumming sound like Morse code. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers are primarily forest dwelling birds but they tend to favor young woodlands and riparian habitats. They are the only... more

Sitta carolinensis
White-breasted Nuthatch
Voice: Males late winter and spring low-pitched wha-wha-wha. Year round, both sexes loud, nasal yank repeated a few times in a row. White-breasted nuthatches are common feeder birds found year... more

Melanerpes carolinus
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Voice: Harsh rolling churr by both sexes or a cha, cha, cha by mates In early spring red-bellied woodpeckers in forests, woodlands, and wooded suburbs tap on trees, gutters, roofs... more

Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Cardinal
Voice: Repetition of short whistled phrases with some notes run together; sounds like birdy, birdy, birdy. Northern cardinals are probably the most easily recognized birds in Northeastern United States. They... more

Junco hyemalis
Dark-eyed Junco
Voice: Song: Musical long dry trill Call: Chip note in series Dark-eyed juncos are thought of as the “snowbirds” of the temperate zone. Over most of the eastern United States... more

Carduelis Tristis
American Goldfinch
Voice: A variable and intricate mix of warbles and trills, with a distinctive tone. Often calls while in flight po-ta-to-chip American Goldfinches are found in every land habitat in every... more