Pond Adaptations

Explore ponds at the Holden Arboretum

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    [type] => event
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    [has_additional] => 

Grade PreK

Experience a pond first-hand using your senses to make discoveries about this special place. Learn about the diversity and adaptations of the animals and plants that live in this habitat while exploring the colors, textures, and vocabulary. 
(1 hour, 30 minutes)

Grades K – 2

Many plants and animals make their homes in ponds. Use nets to explore the interdependence of plants and animals in this watery habitat.  How plants and animals use the resources of the pond to survive will be the focus.  Students will also learn to measure some of the non-living features of a pond necessary for an organisms’ survival.
(1 hour, 30 minutes)

Grades 3 – 5

A pond is a complex ecosystem that depends on plants. Use nets to discover the diversity of plants and animals that live here and the unique adaptations that allow them to survive in water.  Students will also learn to measure some of the non-living features of a pond necessary for an organisms’ survival. 
(1 hour 30 minutes)

$9 per student. One adult chaperone required per 10 students(free). One adult per five students admitted free; additional adults are $9.00 per person.

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