Sperry Road
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Buteo lineatus
Red-tailed Hawk
Voice: Fast, high pitch scream, “Keeyer, Keeyer, Keeyer.” Red-tailed hawks are probably the best known and most widely distributed of all North American birds of prey. These common roadside birds... more
Spizella pusilla
Field Sparrow
Voice: Song: Males: downward whistles descending to a bouncing ball trill Call: Both sexes: Seep or Chirp Male field sparrows are easy to spot on an early spring or summer morning, perched low, singing loudly in open habitats. Their descending bouncing ball trill can be heard in shrubby grasslands, overgrown agricultural fields, fencerows, and forest edges. They tend to sing... more
Corvus brachyrhynchos
American Crow
Voice: Most common loud repeated caw-caw-caw American crows are highly adaptable, very intelligent birds. They are one of only a few species of bird that has been observed modifying and... more