Quercus glandulifera (Konara oak) 

Quercus glandulifera

Quercus glandulifera (Konara oak) 

Acoording to Klyn Nursery, “Native to Japan, Korea, and China, this oak is extremely rare in cultivation.  The shiny leaves have slight serrations on the edges and are a perfect background for... more

Weeping redbud

Cercis canadensis ‘Covey’

Weeping redbud

According to Missouri Botanical Garden “’Covey’ is a very small weeping cultivar noted for its absence of an upright leader and for its dense umbrella-shaped crown with contorted stems and... more


Asimina triloba


Where can you find this tree? In Ohio: Throughout the understory, woodland edges and creek banks. At HF&G: Cleveland Botanical Garden, Woodland Garden, Children’s Garden; Holden Arboretum, Wildflower Garden, Butterfly... more

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