Visiting the Cleveland Botanical Garden

Schools & Groups

The great outdoors make an ideal classroom.

Engage children and encourage budding environmentalism with a field trip to the Cleveland Botanical Garden. Thanks to our manicured gardens, specially curated attractions, and tailored programs, you can bring lessons from their textbook to life, and inspire endless curiosity.

For Schools

Field Trips for Schools

We offer in-person and virtual visits, programs and self-guided tours, and have appropriate topics for elementary through high school students.

For Scout Troops

Field Trips for Scouts

Take an in-person trip to learn about topics like plants, gardens, and bugs. We have options for every troop level.

For Schools

Field Trip Scholarships

We offer admission and transportation scholarships to organizations that meet certain criteria.

Need help planning a field trip?

We would be glad to help you find the right fit for your group.

Call the Education Department Registrar at 440.602.3833, from 8am – 4pm, Monday through Friday, at least three weeks prior to the desired tour date.

Frequently asked questions

You will receive a confirmation letter no later than 10 days before your visit. Please read this letter and check the date, time and number of students we expect to arrive. If you do not receive a confirmation letter, call us.

Only under extreme weather conditions will we cancel your trip. If you must cancel your trip, we ask that you do so 48 hours prior to your scheduled visit. Schools canceling after this time will be charged a $15 processing fee.

Group Rates (minimum of 10)

  • Guided program $9 each, unless otherwise indicated.
  • Self-guided program $7 each

Payment can be made by cash, check, card or purchase order at the Ticketing desk when you arrive.

Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to park, use the restrooms, divide your group, etc. In the event that you arrive late, the length and or content of the program will be altered as needed to fit within the time remaining.

All groups must bring at least one adult to accompany every 10 students. One chaperone is admitted free for every five students. Any additional adults above the required number will be charged the student fee. Groups will be divided into smaller groups of approximately 10-15 students and at least one chaperone must accompany each group.

To ensure that your students enjoy their trip, please emphasize appropriate outdoor dress and footwear. Also, please have your students wear name tags.

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